sys-apps/systemd-tmpfiles got to be --unmerge as deepclean will involve important dependency for your system
emerge --unmerge sys-apps/systemd-tmpfiles sys-apps/systemd-tmpfiles
Now do the same with openrc
emerge --unmerge sys-apps/openrc
Now we must rebuild openrc with a custom ebuild and the following useflag enabled only : ncurses sysv-utils
USE="ncurses sysv-utils -audit -bash -debug -netifrc -newnet -pam -prefix -selinux -unicode" emerge sys-apps/openrc
custom ebuild
Switch the system init to "sysvinit style", we still use openrc syntax for our runlevel script, we only need to change the inittab, you must set it accordingly to your system (My look like inittab)
Now add to your package.mask, bellow sys-apps/systemd / sys-apps/dbus
Here few ebuild widely used with the dependency systemd-tmpfiles removed
sudo-1.9.7_p1 (check the build log for a --disable-tmpfiles.d)
xorg-server-1.20.11-r1(this ebuild get ride of the display-manager-init dependency, another forcing from... )
If you have made an ebuild for another software, removing systemd-tmpfiles dependency, please let me known at (you can contact too if you need a hands making one)
I only want what a init system is made for, boot my system with the services I selected and not ending with some weird hard dependent services running without my consent or knownledge + probably unneeded